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Big Data Analytics Services for Enhancing Business Intelligence
Time:2022-02-17 16:27

Zhaohao Suna , Lizhe Sunb , and Kenneth Strangc 

a PNG University of Technology, Morobe, Papua New Guinea; b Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA; c State University of New York, Plattsburgh at Queensbury, Queensbury, NY, USA



This article examines how to use big data analytics services to enhance business intelligence (BI). More specifically, this article proposes an ontology of big data analytics and presents a big data analytics serviceoriented architecture (BASOA), and then applies BASOA to BI, where our surveyed data analysis shows that the proposed BASOA is viable for enhancing BI and enterprise information systems. This article also explores temporality, expectability, and relativity as the characteristics of intelligence in BI. These characteristics are what customers and decision makers expect from BI in terms of systems, products, and services of organizations. The proposed approach in this article might facilitate the research and development of business analytics, big data analytics, and BI as well as big data science and big data computing.



Big data; big data analytics; e-commerce; business intelligence (BI); intelligent agents; data science


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