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Eliciting Decision-Makers' Information Requirements: Application of the Rep Test Methodology
Time:2022-01-21 11:57




Many information systems fail to achieve their promised potential be cause of the inability of the analyst to design a system attuned to the needs of the decision-maker. To remedy this situation, it is essential to develop new methodologies that facilitate the process of defining distinct decision parameters, understandable by the decision-maker, the analyst, and others in the organization.

The primary purpose of this paper is to present and apply the Rep Test, a methodology for eliciting the information used, or desired to be used, by decision-makers. The information elicited and the salient characteristics decision-makers attach to this information are further analyzed and interpreted by examining the results of information sources scaled on information attributes.


KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: User requirements, systems analysis methodologies, decision support, measurement of psychological space, concept-formation tests.

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